Anyone Can Be a Caregiver

Any Gender Can Menstruate

Diapers and Period Products are a Basic Need

Everyone Should Have What They Need to Thrive

We provide free basic needs products, but we know that this is not a permanent solution. We also work to increase awareness, reduce stigma, and correct misinformation about diaper need and period poverty, while organizing and advocating for systemic change.

Diaper Need and Period Poverty Are Economic Issues

Due to inflation and shortages, diapers and period supplies are more expensive than ever.

The average monthly cost of diapers has increased to around $100, while the average cost of period supplies is around $20 per month. This is a significant expense on a tight budget, forcing people to choose between basic essentials. This economic strain worsens over time as stagnant wages fail to match the rising cost of living, with people of color disproportionately impacted. We advocate for systems-level change to ensure everyone can thrive because their basic needs are met.

A Black mother and her toddler both shrug their shoulders to each other while sitting in the grass at a park.

Diaper Need and Period Poverty Are Racial Justice Issues

Individuals and caregivers of color are disproportionately affected by diaper need and period poverty when caring for their children. Access to supplies removes one source of household stress, expanding families’ capacity for connection and joy. Because we believe diaper need and period poverty results from systemic racism, we center the lived experiences of BIPOC community members. We advocate for equitable solutions to produce a happier and healthier Kalamazoo.

A Black mother and father hold hands with their child on the beach.

Diaper Need and Period Poverty are About Health

When caregivers do not have access to basic needs products, it can have a serious impact on their children’s health.

A baby left in a wet diaper for too long is at an increased risk for infection. Individuals who use period products longer than intended have an elevated risk of UTIs, toxic shock syndrome, and cervical cancer.

Diaper need and period poverty impact the mental health of caregivers and menstruating individuals. It creates unnecessary stress for both children and caregivers and negatively affects their emotional well-being. We advocate for consistent access to health care for everyone in our community.

A baby lays on a blanket in the grass.